WEIGHT : Approx. 7,3 g
RELEASE DATE : April 29th, 2017

Description of Atomic Performance Tip
First released with the B-80 Random Booster Volume 6 as part of the God Layer system on April 29th, 2017, Atomic is a defense type Performance Tip.
This driver features a wide free-rotating ball surrounded by a free-spinning ring with four small tabs.
Defense Potential
The wide ball is intended to create high friction, thus making the combination harder to knock-out. In reality, the free-rotating nature of the ball decreases friction, resulting in increased stamina and a decreased K.O. resistance. The four tabs located on the free-spinning ring are designed to act as brakes when the combination is pushed back, but their location is too high to make such contact happen very often.
Atomic became a safer option later in the Beyblade Burst generation. The poor K.O. resistance of this performance tip is mitigated by the increased weight of the components released after the God Layer system. The heavy weight of the forge discs and layers released later in Beyblade burst are compensating for Atomic free-rotating ball, increasing K.O. resistance.
The free-rotating ball also increases burst-resistance, but when used in the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems, the reinforced spring of Atomic’ is a welcome upgrade.
Stamina Potential
This performance tip has high stamina and spin-equalization potential due to the free-rotating nature of the ball, as well as good LAD potential created by the free-spinning ring. However, Atomic is now outclassed by drivers such as Bearing’, Bearing Drift or Drift in opposite-spin battles. Furthermore, in the DB/BU systems, the overall design and size of the components used can cause a scraping risk when combined with Atomic and its relatively low height.
Final Thoughts on Atomic Performance Tip
Atomic is a very good performance tip, featuring good defense, stamina and LAD potential. Atomic’ is preferred in the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems, but it is still a great driver for players collecting Beyblades from earlier systems.
While aforementioned stamina drivers such as Drift, Bearing’ etc. have outclassed Atomic in opposite-spin battles, it remains a decent choice in a competitive environment. When a player has a limited number of components at his disposal, Atomic can still find niche use in very specific scenarios, where defense and same-spin stamina potential are required.
Therefore, Atomic is not a must have, but it remains a great addition in any player’s collection.
List of Beyblade Burst Products
You can find the Atomic performance tip in the following products :
- B-80-01 Random Booster Volume 6 : Tornado Wyvern 4Glaive Atomic
- B-80-02 Random Booster Volume 6 : Exceed Evil-eye Gravity Atomic
- B-80-03 Random Booster Volume 6 : Fang Fenrir Polish Atomic
- B-98 God Customize Set : Arc Bahamut 2Bump Atomic
- B-111-05 Random Booster Volume 10 : Sieg Xcalibur 5Bump Atomic
- B-121 Cho-Z Triple Booster Set : Hazard Kerbeus 7 Atomic
- B-130-08 Random Booster Volume 13 : Wolborg 0Expand Atomic
- B-131 Dead Phoenix 0 Atomic
- B-151-05 Random Booster Volume 17 : Storm Pegasis Hurricane Atomic (Stardust Ver.)
- B-170-04 Random Booster Volume 21 : Cosmo Pegasus 7 Atomic Sou
- B-00 Dead Phoenix 0 Atomic (CoroCoro Exclusive)