WEIGHT : Approx. 9,8 g
RELEASE DATE : September 10th, 2022

Description of High Wave’
First released with the B-202 Random Booster Vol. 30 as part of the Burst Ultimate system on September 10th, 2022, High Wave’ is the “High” variant of the Wave’ Performance Tip. See the complete article on the Wave‘ driver here.
High Wave’, as its name suggests, is identical to Wave’. The only difference is that High Wave’ is taller, making it one of the tallest Performance Tips in Beyblade Burst.
High Wave’ features a very small and sharp plastic tip barely protruding from a flat round base. This lower part of the driver is sitting right under a wide fixed plastic ring, unable to tilt or rotate/spin.
In theory, High Wave’ is intended to work as a balance type Driver because of the different parts able to make contact with the stadium floor. It has a sharp tip for stamina, protruding from a round base for acceleration, surrounded by a ring for defense. In reality, even though this driver can engage a battle with slightly agressive moves (for a very limited amount of time) with a banked shot, it mostly behaves like a stamina type Performance Tip.
High Wave’ is a unique Performance Tip, showing real potential against some of the greatest stamina drivers in the Beyblade Burst generation. However, it has too many weaknesses to be competitive : it struggles against attack type and defense type combos, as well as opposite-spin combinations.
High Wave’ is best used against same-spin stamina combinations.
Therefore, High Wave’ is not a must have, but it can be an interesting addition in any player’s collection.
List of Beyblade Products
You can find the High Wave’ Performance Tip in the following products :