WEIGHT : Approx. 12,9 g
Release Date : August 8th, 2020

Description of the Tempest Ring
First released with the B-171 Superking Triple Booster Set as part of the Superking Layer system on August 8th, 2020, Tempest is a right-spin attack type Ring.
Tempest has an overall round shape, featuring two small blades and two large blades. Furthermore, this Ring has a gimmick : it can change from “Bound” mode to the “Awakened” mode.
Tempest gimmick : “Bound” and “Awakened” modes
There are four blades located under the ring, which is the “Bound” mode. When struck hard, the small blades can be pushed out, which will also push one long “Bound” blade out with a built-in spring mechanism.
Each short blade has its individual mechanism, so both have to be struck hard to see all four blades pushed out. When the blades are pushed out, Tempest is in “Awakened” mode, meant to increase attack potential by making the Ring more aggressive.
Additionally, these spring loaded blades are meant to create “Bound Attacks” when they are pushed out, but they are not agressive enough to create powerful attacks.
In “Awakened” mode, the Ring is more agressive, but the blades will be pushed back in place as soon as they strike/are struck with enough force. Therefore, the attack potential provided by the “Bound” blades is minimal.
While the “Bound” gimmick does not create significant attack potential, Tempest is a heavy Ring, one of the best Rings from the Superking Layer system. In a non-competitive environment, this Ring can be used in any type of combination with some degree of success.
However, Tempest real strength is its stamina potential. The Ring overall design lacks aggressiveness to create competitive attack potential. However, its heavy weight and overall round shape make it a strong option in stamina type combinations. Therefore, Tempest used to be a top tier Ring during the Superking Layer system.
However, unlike World, Tempest is not strong enough and lacks spin-steal potential to be used against competitive combos from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems.
Final Thoughts on Tempest Ring
Overall, the Tempest Ring has high stamina potential, making it one of the best Rings from the Superking Layer system. However, it is outclassed in the Dynamite Battle / Burst Ultimate meta-game.
Furthermore, this Ring has a successor released as part of the the Burst Ultimate Layer Series, the Gatling Blade.
Therefore, this Ring is not a must have for competitive players, but it can be a great addition for collectors playing with Superking models.
List of Beyblade Burst Products
You can find the Tempest Ring in the following products :
- B-171 Superking Triple Booster Set : Tempest Dragon Charge Metal 1A
- B-196-02 Random Booster Vol. 28 : Tempest Achilles Xceed’+Z 1B (Demon King Ver.)