WEIGHT : Approx. 68 g
Release Date : April 24th, 2021

Avoid counterfeits ! The authentic Infinite Deathscyther Universe 1A by Takara Tomy is on Beyblade Toys
Description of Infinite Deathscyther Universe 1A
Infinite Deathscyther Universe 1A is a right-spin defense type combination, released with the B-181 Random Booster Vol. 25 as part of the Dynamite Battle system on April 24th, 2021.
While released as part of the Dynamite Battle system, this Beyblade is actually a Superking Layer model. This means it does not have any Armor, Blade or DB Core, and it is not compatible with High and Low Modes. The Double Chassis 1A prevents the use of a Forge Disc.
The Universe Performance Tip allows this combo to move in wide circles when launched hard. The mobility is high enough to create a self Knock-Out risk, so players will need to launch this combination carefully. This combination can have decent performances against other models from the Superking system, but it will struggle against most of the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate Beyblades.
Ring : Infinite (with Sword)
Infinite has two sword-shaped contact points, and it can be combined with two different parts : “Infinite Sword” and “Infinite Shield”. Therefore, this Ring can be used in three different modes : balance, attack and defense.
Infinite Deathscyther Universe 1A comes with the “Infinite Sword”, meaning that this Ring comes in Attack mode. Infinite can be used in Balance mode if Infinite Sword is removed.
See the complete article on the Infinite Ring here.

Superking Chip : Deathscyther
Deathscyther is an average Chip from the Superking Layer system. With no major strengths or weaknesses, it can be used in any type of combinations.
See the complete article on Deathscyther here.

Chassis : 1A
1A (or 1 Attack) is a Double Chassis, meaning that it does not allow the use of a Forge Disc in the combination. The Forge Disc is integrated to the Double Chassis.
This Chassis is attack oriented, featuring four blades along its perimeter.
See the complete article on 1A Chassis here.

Performance Tip : Universe
Universe is a defense type Performance Tip. It features a wide, free-spinning, ball-shaped plastic tip sitting under a free-spinning plastic ring. This Driver has decent stamina and LAD, and it performs better in opposite-spin battles.
See the complete article on Universe here.

How to improve Infinite Deathscyther Universe 1A
Friendly Use
Infinite Deathscyther Universe 1A is a decent combo, but it lacks a bit of consistency. The Ring is balance oriented, the Chassis is mainly used in attack combos and the Performance Tip is a defense type.
Therefore, the main purpose of this Beyblade is to obtain its components in order to create or modify other combinations.
However, players lacking options may want to replace the Infinite Sword with the Infinite Shield if available, making this combo more effective as a stamina/defense type.
1A can be replaced with 2B or 2A if available.
While Universe is a strong Performance Tip, Xtend+ can be a good alternative.
Finally, this combination will be more enjoyable when used with other models from the Superking system.
Competitive Use
1A (or 1 Attack) Chassis is good enough to be used in a tournament based on the Superking Layer system. Otherwise, it is outclassed by several Forge Discs from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems. 1A can be replaced with 2B or 2A if available.
Infinite Ring used to be a fairly popular choice during the Superking system. It was usually combined with the Infinite Shield in stamina/defense type combos. However, this Ring is outclassed by Blades from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems.
The Deathscyther Superking Chip can be replaced with Solomon, Hyperion 2, Diabolos or Spriggan.
Universe is a decent Performance Tip, it is a fairly strong component in the Superking system. Furthermore, when playing in the DB/BU meta-game, it can be a decent alternative for players lacking options, especially in opposite-spin battles.
An example of Superking competitive combo based on this model could be : Infinite (with Infinite Shield) Solomon Universe 2B.
Final Thoughts on Infinite Deathscyther Universe 1A
Infinite Deathscyther Universe 1A is a decent combination when playing with other models from the Superking Layer system. However, its main purpose is to be an opportunity for players to get fairly rare components, such as the Deathscyther Chip and the Infinite Ring.
The Universe Performance Tip remains a decent option in the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems.
Therefore, this Beyblade is not a must have for competitive players, but it can be a nice addition for collectors.
List of Beyblade Burst Components
Below you’ll find the list of all the components from this product with a link to their detailed description.

- Ring : Infinite with Infinite Sword
- Superking Chip : Deathscyther
- Chassis : 1A
- Performance Tip : Universe