WEIGHT : Approx. 8,2 g
Release Date : August 8th, 2020

Description of Wave Driver
First released with the B-171 Superking Triple Booster Set as part of the Superking Layer system on August 8th, 2020, Wave is a balance type Performance Tip.
Wave features a very small and sharp plastic tip barely protruding from a flat round base. This lower part of the driver is sitting right under a wide fixed plastic ring, unable to tilt or rotate/spin. This Performance Tip sits at a tall height, making it one of the tallest drivers in Beyblade Burst.
In theory, Wave is intended to work as a balance type Driver because of the different parts able to make contact with the stadium floor. It has a sharp tip for stamina, protruding from a round base for acceleration, surrounded by a ring for defense. In reality, even though Wave can engage a battle with slightly agressive moves (for a very limited amount of time) with a banked shot, this driver mostly behaves like a stamina type Performance Tip.
Wave is a very unique Performance Tip, because it can be decent against very good stamina drivers, while looking poor against average stamina or defense drivers. Wave’s real strength lies in its capacity to destabilize opponents using sharp stamina performance tips. Wave’s plastic ring also adds a reasonable amount of LAD (Life After Death) to the combination.
Use in same-spin stamina battles
Against same-spin stamina combinations, battles typically start with Wave imposing itself in the stadium’s center, slowly pushing its opponent aside. Once the opponent tries to fight its way back to the center, it will start to tilt over until it is completely destabilized. This can happen with consistency against competitive stamina combinations, but Wave can also destabilize itself in the latter stages of the battle.
Wave is at its best against same-spin stamina combinations, it usually has poor performances against opposite-spin opponents.
Use against defense and attack combinations
Furthermore, Wave struggles when it has to face a combination that is harder to destabilize, using any kind of rounder, ball-shaped driver. Therefore, this driver has inconsistent performances, being able to challenge top tier stamina drivers and then lose to defense type Performance Tips such as Atomic or Universe.
Against attack type combinations, in theory the plastic ring should support the combination, adding substantial defense potential. Unfortunately, since the plastic ring is not free-spinning, a Wave combination can be easily K.O.’d, even by average combos using plastic attack type Performance Tips.
Final Thoughts
Wave is definitely a unique Performance Tip, showing real potential against some of the greatest stamina drivers in the Beyblade Burst generation. Nonetheless, it shows too many weaknesses : Wave struggles against attack type and defense type combos, as well as opposite-spin combinations.
Furthermore, it is outclassed by its dash variant, Wave’, which has been released in the Astral Spriggan Customize Set.
Therefore, Wave is not a must have, but it can be an interesting addition in any player’s collection.
List of Beyblade Burst Products
You can find the Wave Performance Tip in the following products :
- B-171 Superking Triple Booster Set : Naked Diabolos 11 Wave Goku
- B-181-04 Random Booster Volume 25 : Hell Kerbecs Giga Wave