WEIGHT : Approx. 7,8 g
Release Date : April 24th, 2021

Description of Venture
First released with the B-180 Booster Dynamite Belial Nexus Venture-2, as part of the Dynamite Battle system on April 24th, 2021, Venture is an attack type Performance Tip.
Venture features a flat plastic tip surrounded by a rubber ring. Flat plastic tips are not as good as rubber tips to maintain a Flower Pattern with consistency, but they move around with solid pace and have decent stamina.
Since the rubber ring of Venture is located above the plastic tip, the combination has to tilt over to trigger friction between the rubber ring and the stadium floor. When that happens, the friction caused by rubber will result in a sudden acceleration of the whole combination.
Therefore, while Venture is intended to work as an attack type driver, in reality its behavior is not very far from a balance type Performance Tip. This driver has quite unpredictable accelerations early in the battle, then it tends to adopt a far less agressive, more stable approach later in the battle, while retaining a decent amount of stamina.
Venture and V Gear
Venture is compatible with the V Gear, a special Evolution Gear which improves Venture in different ways : V Gear will add weight, mobility, burst resistance and LAD (see the V Gear article for more details).
Even with V Gear equipped, Venture is outclassed as a pure attack type driver because it is unpredictable and hard to control.
Venture + V Gear can be an interesting alternative in the Beystadium DB Standard Type, where many rubber drivers tend to struggle. Plastic drivers have better results in the DB stadium. Venture + V Gear well-rounded style, featuring decent mobility, aggressiveness, as well as stamina and LAD, can show good potential in that specific stadium.
Final Thoughts on Venture
This Driver is not a top tier component, but it remains an interesting part to experiment with, especially in the DB stadium, with V Gear equipped.
Therefore, Venture is not a must have for competitive players, but it can be nice addition in a Beyblade Burst collection.
List of Beyblade Burst Products
You can find the Venture Performance Tip in the following products :
- B-180 Dynamite Belial Nexus Venture-2
- B-182 Beyblade Dynamite Battle Entry Set : Dynamite Belial Nexus Venture-2
- B-190 Beyblade Dynamite Battle All-in-One Set : Dynamite Belial Nexus Venture-3
- B-194-05 Random Booster Volume 27 : Astral Fafnir Karma Venture-0