LENGTH : Approx. 54,5 cm
WIDTH : Approx. 48 cm
HEIGHT : Approx. 16,5 cm
Tornado Ridge : 31,5 cm
Release Date : April 24th, 2021

Avoid counterfeits ! The authentic Beystadium DB Standard Type by Takara Tomy is on Beyblade Toys
Description of the DB Standard Stadium
The DB Standard Type stadium was released as part of Dynamite Battle system on April 24th, 2021, and became one the new standard stadiums used for tournaments held in Japan.
With the Beyblades getting bigger and heavier over the course of the Beyblade Burst system, Takara Tomy released this stadium to replace the previous standard arena. This new DB stadium is larger than the previous standard arena, giving more space to the new, bigger Beyblade models.
This new stadium is not only a change in size, it is also a major gameplay changer. It features 2 ring-out pockets instead of the previous 3, and it has a large outer area, allowing the Beyblades to spin steadily on the edge of the stadium.
These changes allow players to launch combos with force, and the design of the stadium can create and allow more movement, making stamina match-ups more entertaining.
DB Standard Stadium and attack type combinations
This change is huge because it completely disrupts the well-established competitive meta-game in the Beyblade Burst system, more specifically the attack type combinations meta. Previously, in the standard arena, attack type combinations were relying on rubber drivers, Xtreme’ being the most popular choice. Rubber drivers allowed very aggressive movement while keeping a flower pattern to hit opponent beys with power and consistency.
In the DB Standard Type stadium, the flower pattern (if attempted) will be contained within the outer area of the stadium, thus removing tactical and strategical use of an attack combo launched with a banking shot.
Obviously, newcomers will benefit from that gameplay change in two different ways :
1- They don’t necessarily need to master advanced launching techniques to play attack combos
2- They don’t need to collect drivers such as Xtreme’. Xtreme’ and a few other rubber drivers will wear over time, decreasing their aggressiveness. Therefore, competitive players had to collect them to replace worn models.
With the DB stadium, rubber drivers are useless for the most part. This new arena requires more stamina instead, meaning that plastic drivers -previously left aside in the meta-game- are now more than welcome to make an attack type combination work.
Are Attack combinations weaker in the DB stadium ?
Attack combinations are weaker in this stadium from a competitive point of view, but it doesn’t mean they can’t be fun to play with. Attack type combinations will suffer from two factors in the DB Beystadium : the lack of control over their behavior (explained above), and the limited number of ring-out pockets (2 instead of 3 in the standard arena).
Those two factors are pushing a lot of competitive players to use stamina combinations only. Attack type combinations can win, but not with enough consistency to be used by highly-competitive players, who will stick to stamina/spin-stealing combinations.
Therefore, anyone willing to play with attack type combinations will need to be creative, looking for ways to keep heavy hits while maintaining good stamina levels. A whole range of previously unused plastic drivers are now more attractive : drivers such as Destroy’, Xplosion, Venture, Reboot’ or Zone’, Universe are worth experimenting with in this arena.
Rules can also be changed : in some tournaments held outside Japan, 2 points are awarded to ring-out finishes in the DB Standard Beystadium.
Ring-out finishes are also very different : the increased size of the stadium’s pockets is a great addition. Even the largest models of the DB/BU era will drop easily in those pockets, making refereeing easier. The wider exits also result in less “second chances” : the Beyblades will have a harder time bouncing off the pockets and come back in the arena.
Final Thoughts on the DB Stadium
While this stadium is not perfect, it is a more than welcome breath of fresh air. The DB Stadium can be fun and interesting for players willing to experiment with their combinations. For players who are focused on the competitive meta-game, this stadium can make stamina match-ups more entertaining.
When used in a non-competitive environment, the DB stadium simply looks better for the DB/BU models. Gimmicks from these systems tend to be more effective, and Beyblades have more room to move, which prevents chaotic battles from happening.
Pros and Cons
- Gives much needed space for DB/BU Beyblades
- Makes a lot of Drivers attractive again
- The flow of the battles feels like a breath of fresh air
- More movement in Stamina match-ups
- Allows and encourages creativity with combinations
- Clear cut K.O.’s, thanks to the bigger pockets
- Attack type combos are not as effective
- Can feel like luck has a slightly bigger impact in the battles