WEIGHT : Approx. 7,2 g
Release Date : June 26th, 2021

Description of Moment
First released with the B-186 Random Booster Volume 26 as part of the Dynamite Battle system on June 26th, 2021, Moment is a defense type Performance Tip.
This driver features a ball-shaped tip surrounded by a free-spinning bell-shaped plastic ring. The plastic ring can spin freely and tilt at an angle, but it will spin and tilt more or less depending on the copy that the players have.
Some copies won’t spin and tilt as much as others, impacting Moment’s stamina. The B-194-04 Vanish Longinus Nexus Moment-7 and B-198-04 Dynamite Kerbeus Legacy Moment-9 have more free spin than the earlier releases, but some (not all) B-186-01 Roar Bahamut Giga Moment-10 copies can perform just like the subsequent releases.
The bell-shaped ring is designed to tilt in an effort to re-balance the combination when needed, but past a certain angle, the combo will be completely destabilized. Moment can make the combination move in circles, depending on launch power, creating a typical defense type behavior.
Good copies of Moment have high stamina potential. Players who don’t have access to top-tier components such as Drift, High Xtend+’ or Bearing Drift can use Moment in a competitive environment in stamina/defense oriented combinations.
Final Thoughts
The stamina levels that Moment can produce make it one of the best defense type drivers available. As such, this Performance Tip is not necessarily a must-have for competitive players, who will prefer top tier stamina Drivers, but it is nonetheless a great addition to any player’s collection.
Therefore, Moment is a great addition in any Beyblade Burst collection.
List of Beyblade Burst Products
The Moment Performance Tip can be found in the following products :
- B-186-01 Random Booster Volume 26 :Roar Bahamut Giga Moment-10
- B-186-05 Random Booster Volume 26 : World Dragon Outer Moment 4A
- B-194-04 Random Booster Volume 27 : Vanish Longinus Nexus Moment-7
- B-198-04 Random Booster Volume 29 : Dynamite Kerbeus Legacy Moment-9