WEIGHT : Approx. 7,65 g
RELEASE DATE : May 28th, 2022

Description of the High Eternal Driver
First released with the B-198 Random Booster Vol. 29 as part of the Burst Ultimate system on May 28th, 2022, High Eternal is the “High” variant of the Eternal Performance Tip. As its name suggests, a “High” variant sits at a taller height than its regular counterpart.
This Driver features a sharp plastic tip of a small diameter surrounded by a free-spinning “guard disc” made of POM (PolyOxyMethylene), a material known for its low levels of friction.
The sharp, small plastic tip decreases friction with the stadium floor, which increases stamina potential. Furthermore, the added surrounding free-spinning disc prevents the combination from being destabilized too easily. This disc being made of POM, the friction with the stadium floor is kept to minimum levels, preserving the combination’s stamina potential. However, the low friction of this driver’s disc and tip results in decreased knock-out resistance, being easier to push around the stadium.
As with many free-spinning parts in Beyblade Burst, the disc of High Eternal may spin more or less freely depending on the copy, affecting its stamina potential significantly.
Additionally, the wide diameter of the free-spinning disc also creates high Precession time, which could be described in Beyblade as the ability of a combination to spin longer at the end of the battle. Therefore, this ability makes High Eternal a strong Performance Tip in opposite-spin stamina battles.
Final Thoughts
High Eternal is a welcome upgrade to its predecessor Eternal, providing enough height to be used in the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems. However, it is outclassed by other top tier stamina Performance Tips, such as Bearing’ or High Xtend+’.
Therefore, this driver is not a must have, but it can be a nice addition in any Beyblade collection.
List of Beyblade Burst Products
You can find the High Eternal Performance Tip in the following products :