Perfect Evolution Gears are special components released as part of the Dynamite Battle system.
These Gears are designed to be assembled on specific components. The set of Perfect Evolution Gears are used to upgrade three different models from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems : Dynamite Belial Nexus Venture-2, Dangerous Belial Nexus Almight-2, and Divine Belial Nexus Adventure-3.
Once all the Gears have been collected, players will be able to assemble “Perfect Dynamite Belial“, “Perfect Dangerous Belial” and “Perfect Divine Belial“.
There is another set of Evolution Gears, the “Ultimate Evolution Gears” released as part of the Burst Ultimate system. See the complete list of Ultimate Evolution Gears here.

List of Perfect Evolution Gears
- F Gear can be found in the B-185 Booster Vanish Fafnir Tapered Kick-3

- V Gear can be found in the B-187 Starter Savior Valkyrie Shot-7

- S Gear can be found in the B-188 Astral Spriggan Customize Set

- L Gear can be found in the B-189 Booster Guilty Longinus Karma Metal Destroy-2