WEIGHT : Approx. 46,7 g
RELEASE DATE : September 14th, 2023

Description of Cobalt Drake 4-60F
Cobalt Drake 4-60F is a Rare Bey Get Battle Prize, released as part of the Xtreme Gear Sports system on September 14th, 2023.
This Beyblade is a rare attack type stock combination, featuring the heaviest Blade available in Beyblade X, the only unique part of this combination. It can be obtained by using the Beybattle Pass and the Beyblade X companion app ; points can be accumulated for a chance to play the Rare Bey Get Battle game.
Unfortunately, the Beyblade X companion app is not available outside of Japan, making this model rare and expensive.
Behavior and Performances
The heavy weight of Cobalt Drake can be explained by the use of paint on the whole Blade, which can increase weight by 1 or 2 grams. If used in battle, the Blade’s paint will come off very quickly, and leave blue residue on stadiums and opposing Beyblades. Typically, the paint on the four main contacts points will come off, which results in minimal weight loss.
The extra weight of added paint is something competitive players have always been looking for. Highly competitive players were typically looking for painted Armors and Forge Discs in the Beyblade Burst generation.
In spite of its heavy weight, this combo is not necessarily stronger than any of the regular releases. The heavy weight of the Cobalt Drake Blade results in overall strong performances, without making other regular releases outclassed.
Equipped with Flat, this combo has an agressive behavior, allowing it to reach the X-Line and perform Xtreme Dash attacks. The four-sided shape of the Blade is not aggressive enough to make it overpowered in the Xtreme Gear Sports system. However, its heavy weight creates good stamina potential as well as fairly strong Smash attacks.
How To Improve Cobalt Drake 4-60F
First of all, replacing 4-60 is not necessary, it creates good synergy with the four sided-shape of the Blade. However, if players want to use this combo in a competitive deck while saving 4-60 for another combo, 4-80 can be used instead. If 4-80 is used, an attack/balance type Bit will be preferred.
Replacing Flat with Taper will increase stamina, making the combination feel safer. Rush is another option that can be experimented with, offering improved control over the combo’s behavior.
The heavy weight of the Blade can also be used in a stamina oriented combo, using Ball.
Further testing is required, this section will be updated soon.
Final Thoughts
Cobalt Drake 4-60F is a strong stock combo, featuring a unique and versatile Blade, making this Beyblade a great addition for competitive players.
However, due to how rare and expensive this Beyblade can be, it is difficult to consider it as a must have.
This combination’s rarity, overall design and the unique color theme of its components make it a great addition for collectors.
Xtreme Gear Sports Parts

- Blade : Cobalt Drake
- Ratchet : 4-60
- Bit : Flat