WEIGHT : Approx. 13,9 g
RELEASE DATE : December 11th, 2021

Description of the “9” Armor
First released with the B-193 Ultimate Valkyrie Legacy Variable’-9 Booster on December 11th, 2021, “9” is an Armor from the Dynamite Battle system.
The “9” Armor features nine wings, a reference to the Wing Forge Disc from Valkyrie Wing Accel. The weight is evenly distributed at three points, creating great synergy with three-sided blades. Therefore, “9” is a great armor for attack combinations featuring a three-sided shape (Savior, Ultimate for example).
While it features a weight distribution similar to the “3” armor, “9” is usually the preferred option. “9” is a must have in any player’s collection.
List of Beyblade Burst Products
You can find the “9” armor in the following products :
- B-193 Ultimate Valkyrie Legacy Variable’-9
- B-196-01 Random Booster Volume 28 : Ultimate Valkyrie Legacy Variable’-9 (Demon King Ver.)
- B-196-01 Random Booster Volume 28 : Ultimate Valkyrie Legacy Variable’-9 (Gold Ver.)
- B-198-04 Random Booster Volume 29 : Dynamite Kerbeus Legacy Moment-9
- B-205 Burst Ultimate VS Set : Ultimate Valkyrie Wing’ Accel’-9