WEIGHT : Approx. 63 g
Release Date : April 24th, 2021

Avoid counterfeits ! The authentic Brave Wyvern 10 Never 4A by Takara Tomy is on Beyblade Toys
Description of Brave Wyvern 10 Never 4A
Brave Wyvern 10 Never 4A is a right-spin stamina type combination, released with the B-181 Random Booster Vol. 25 as part of the Dynamite Battle system on April 24th, 2021.
While released as part of the Dynamite Battle system, this Beyblade is actually a Superking Layer model. This means it does not have any Armor, Blade or DB Core, and it is not compatible with High and Low Modes. However, the Single Chassis 4A allows the use of a Forge Disc.
The Never Performance Tip creates a traditional stamina type behavior, although the imbalanced weight distribution of 4A Chassis may result in erratic movements. This stock combination can have decent performances against other models from the Superking system, but it will struggle against most of the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate Beyblades.
Ring : Brave
Brave is a right-spin attack type Ring featuring three large wings acting as the main contact points. Rubber is used to cover the gaps between each contact points, and also covers a very small part of each wing.
The result is a Ring with decent attack potential, especially when combined with the 2A Chassis, whose design lines up perfectly with the Brave Ring shape. Furthermore, it has decent stamina potential and high burst resistance, making it a fairly versatile option.
See the complete article on the Brave Ring here.

Superking Chip : Wyvern
Wyvern is an average Chip from the Superking Layer system. With no major strengths or weaknesses, it can be used in any type of combinations.
See the complete article on Wyvern here.

Chassis : 4A
4A (or 4 Attack) is a Single Chassis, meaning that it allows the use of a Forge Disc in the combination.
This Chassis is attack oriented, featuring two small blades on each side. However, it has an asymmetrical design, meant to create synergy with the Hollow Ring. One side of the Chassis is hollowed, creating an unbalanced weight distribution. This design results in decreased stamina potential, and unpredictable movements.
See the complete article on 4A Chassis here.

Forge Disc : 10
10 is a Forge Disc first released as part of the Cho-Z Layer system in 2018, making it heavily outclassed by Discs from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems.
This Disc has an elliptical shape, featuring ten protrusions along its perimeter. Furthermore, “10” is compatible with a Disc Frame. “10” used to be a top-tier option, due to its heavy weight and great weight distribution.
See the complete article on 10 Forge Disc here.

Performance Tip : Never
Never is a stamina type performance type, featuring a free spinning sharp tip surrounded by a plastic ring made of POM (Polyoxymethylene), a material known for its low friction. The free spinning tip is very sharp, limiting friction as well.
Never can be decent in opposite spin-battles when combined with a smooth Blade, but it is best used in same-spin stamina battles.
See the complete article on Never here.

How to improve Brave Wyvern 10 Never 4A
Friendly Use
Brave Wyvern 10 Never 4A will be more enjoyable when used with other models from the Superking system. However, players who want to use it with models from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems may want to replace the Forge Disc with a Disc from the DB/BU systems, such as Illegal, Fortress, Over, etc. This will increase the weight and overall performances of this combination.
For players willing to use this combo with other Superking models, the 4A Chassis can be replaced with 2A to create synergy with the Brave Ring. 2A is a Double Chassis, meaning that no Forge Disc is required.
Finally, players willing to use components from the Superking Layer system can replace Never with Xtend+.
Competitive Use
In the current meta-game, all the components from this combination are outclassed by options from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems. Never can be used in stamina type combinations if no better option is available.
However, players willing to improve the performances of this combo for use in a tournament based on the Superking Layer system can replace the 4A Chassis with 1S. Then, 10 Forge Disc can be replaced with Wheel. Finally, Never can be replaced with Xtend+. The resulting combo would be Brave Wyvern Wheel Xtend+ 1S.
For a more attack oriented combo, 4A Chassis can be replaced with 2A, and Never can be replaced with Xtreme or Xtreme’. If available, Wyvern can be replaced by heavier Chips such as Solomon or Hyperion 2. The resulting combo would be Brave Solomon Xtreme’ 2A.
Final Thoughts on Brave Wyvern 10 Never 4A
Brave Wyvern 10 Never 4A is a decent combination for collectors playing with models from the Superking Layer system.
However, since most of its components are heavily outclassed by other options from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems, it cannot be recommended to competitive players.
List of Beyblade Burst Components
Below you’ll find the list of all the components from this product with a link to their detailed description.