WEIGHT : Approx. 70,3 g
Release Date : March 19th, 2022

Avoid counterfeits ! The authentic Super Hyperion Giga Metal Dimension 4A by Takara Tomy is on Beyblade Toys
Description of Super Hyperion Giga Metal Dimension 4A
Super Hyperion Giga Metal Dimension 4A is a right-spin balance type combination, released with the B-196 Random Booster Vol. 28 as part of the Dynamite Battle system on March 19th, 2022.
While released as part of the Dynamite Battle system, this Beyblade is actually a Superking Layer model. This means it does not have any Armor, Blade or DB Core, and it is not compatible with High and Low Modes. However, the Single Chassis 4A allows the use of a Forge Disc.
Intended to work as a balance type combination because of the use of the Metal Dimension Performance Tip, the Super Ring is an agressive attack oriented option. The attack potential of this Ring is limited by the lack of control and agressiveness of Metal Dimension.
Furthermore, 4A is a Single Chassis, which means that Metal dimension can damage the teeth very quickly. Additionally, Super aggressive blades are prone to wear and tear, therefore players should avoid using this combo against models from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems.
Collectors and Competitive players may be interested by the red Giga Forge Disc featured in this stock combo. The coat of paint adds extra weight to the Disc, which is why competitive players like to use painted Forge Discs and Armors.
Ring : Super
Super is a right-spin Ring. It has an agressive design, featuring six blades (three on each side of the Ring).
These blades are angled downwards, creating Upper Attacks potential. Upper Attacks allow this Ring to lift opponents, resulting in increased Knock-Out potential. However, Super also performs Smash Attacks.
See the complete article on the Super Ring here.

Superking Chip : Hyperion 2
Hyperion 2 is a good Chip from the Superking Layer system. While Superking Chips usually have similar weight and overall performances, Hyperion 2 features a Metal Chip Core, increasing its weight.
The increased weight of Hyperion 2 make it one of the best right-spin Superking Chips. It can be used in any type of combination.
See the complete article on Hyperion 2 here.

Chassis : 4A
4A (or 4 Attack) is a Single Chassis, meaning that it allows the use of a Forge Disc in the combination.
This Chassis is attack oriented, featuring two small blades on each side. However, it has an asymmetrical design, meant to create synergy with the Hollow Ring. One side of the Chassis is hollowed, creating an unbalanced weight distribution. This design results in decreased stamina potential, and unpredictable movements.
See the complete article on 4A Chassis here.

Forge Disc : Giga
Giga is an octagon-shaped Forge Disc. It is one of the heaviest Forge Discs in the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems and it has great weight distribution.
Giga is highly versatile, it can be used in any type of combination.
See the complete article on Giga here.

Performance Tip : Metal Dimension
Metal Dimension is a balance type Performance Tip.
This Driver features a round hollowed plastic tip, with a sharp rubber tip barely protruding from its center. Dimension also features a gimmick : the height of the tip can be changed, and the rubber tip can be exposed or retracted inside the plastic tip.
Metal Dimension can be unpredictable and difficult to control, making it difficult to use in an attack oriented combo. Moreover, it lacks stamina potential, resulting in poor to average performances.
See the complete article on Metal Dimension here.

How to improve Super Hyperion Giga Metal Dimension 4A
Friendly Use
First of all, it is recommended to use the Super Ring against other models from the Superking Layer system to avoid damaging its blades. Furthermore, players may want to use Metal Dimension with a Double Chassis, or the Bahamut and Kerbeus DB Cores. Otherwise, Metal Dimension will damage the Layer’s teeth.
Since the Super Ring has decent attack potential, players can use attack type Performance Tips such as Xtreme’, Quick’, Xceed’ (or Xceed’+Z) or Destroy’.
Competitive Use
Giga is the only competitive part in this stock combination. The other components are heavily outclassed by options from the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems.
However, players willing to create a Superking competitive combo can keep the Super Ring and Hyperion 2 Superking Chip.
4A can be be replaced with a Double Chassis such as 2A, or 1A if 2A is not available.
Then, replacing Metal Dimension with Drivers such as Xtreme’, Quick’, or Xceed’+Z will result in a decent attack type combination from the Superking Layer system. The resulting combination could be : Super Hyperion Xtreme’ 2A.
Final Thoughts on Super Hyperion Giga Metal Dimension 4A
Super Hyperion Giga Metal Dimension 4A features good components from the Superking Layer system, such as the Super Ring and Hyperion 2 Superking Chip. However, both are outclassed in the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems meta-game.
Furthermore, highly competitive players may be interested by the painted copy of Giga, adding extra weight to a competitive combination.
Therefore, this Beyblade is not a must have, but it can be a nice addition in any Beyblade Burst collection.
List of Beyblade Burst Components
Below you’ll find the list of all the components from this product with a link to their detailed description.

- Ring : Super
- Superking Chip : Hyperion 2
- Forge Disc : Giga
- Chassis : 4A
- Performance Tip : Metal Dimension