WEIGHT : Approx. 13,4 g
RELEASE DATE : April 24th, 2021

Description of “2” Armor
Armors are used to modify or improve a combination’s weight distribution.
First released with the B-180 Dynamite Belial Nexus Venture-2 Booster on April 24th, 2021, “2” is an Armor from the Dynamite Battle system.
The number “2” means that the weight is distributed at two points. With the “2” Armor, the weight is evenly distributed in two opposite points, the two “arrows” that can be seen in the picture above. This even weight distribution brings balance and good stamina to any combination.
This armor can also be used to create synergy within a combination whose Layer has two main contact points. This can be achieved by aligning the Armor’s “arrows” mentioned above with the Layer’s contact points. For example, “2” creates great synergy with the Guilty Blade.
Therefore, “2” can be recommended in any type of combination, even in a competitive environment. It is one of the best Armors of the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems.
List of Beyblade Burst Products
The “2” Armor can be found in the following products :
- B-180 Dynamite Belial Nexus Venture-2
- B-181-02 Random Booster Volume 25 : Cyclone Ragnaruk Nexus Rise-2
- B-182 Beyblade Dynamite Battle Entry Set : Dynamite Belial Nexus Venture-2
- B-186-02 Random Booster Volume 26 : Roar Fafnir 00 Revolve-2
- B-188 Astral Spriggan Customize Set
- B-189 Guilty Longinus Karma Metal Destroy-2
- B-191 Overdrive Special Starter Set : Dangerous Belial Almight-2
- B-194-03 Random Booster Volume 27 : Guilty Spriggan Outer Never-2
- B-198-05 Random Booster Volume 29 : Roar Spriggan Fortress Kick-2
- B-201 Zest Achilles Customize Set
- B-202-03 Random Booster Volume 30 : Devil Xcalibur Moon High Wave’-2
- B-203 Ultimate Fusion DX Set : Super Hyperion MR Tapered Xplosion-2