WEIGHT : Approx. 68,6 g
RELEASE DATE : April 24th, 2021
Hasbro Version : Cyclone Roktavor R7 Giga-Q Assault-Q+Never-6

Avoid counterfeits ! The authentic Cyclone Ragnaruk Giga Never-6 by Takara Tomy is on Beyblade Toys
Description of Cyclone Ragnaruk Giga Never-6
Released with the B-181 Random Booster Volume 25 as part of the Dynamite Battle system on April 24th, 2021, Cyclone Ragnaruk Giga Never-6 is a right-spin stamina Beyblade. It is a prize Beyblade of the Random Booster, making it difficult to get.
Being the first stamina type Beyblade released in the Dynamite Battle system, Cyclone Ragnaruk is smaller and lighter than the stamina combinations released later in the DB/BU era, but it remains a very interesting model nonetheless.
The stock combination is probably at its best in the large DB stadium, where Cyclone Ragnaruk can spin steadily near the tornado ridge, giving this combination a chance to avoid contacts with the opposing Beyblade. Cyclone may be struck and pushed back to the flat outer section of the stadium, but then Ragnaruk will stand still there, thus avoiding the following strikes, thanks to Never‘s behavior .
In the Takara Tomy’s standard arena, the combination is not as interesting, but it remains a good stamina Beyblade, capable of decent results even against opposite-spin opponents.
How to improve Cyclone Ragnaruk
Friendly Use
In a non-competitive environment, this Beyblade does not need to be improved, it is a coherent and decent stock combination. However, players willing to slightly upgrade Cyclone Ragnaruk without altering the Layer can replace Never with a better stamina Driver. Performance Tips such as Bearing Drift or High Xtend+’ can make the combo much stronger. Some players would use Bearing’, a more “subtle” upgrade.
“6” and Giga being very good components, there is no need to upgrade them. However, many players will prefer “0” and “10” to the “6” armor.
Competitive Use
Cyclone Ragnaruk Giga Never-6 has at least one competitive component to offer : Giga. This Forge Disc is very useful, because of its weight and versatile weight distribution ; Giga is very efficient in any combination type.
“6” is also a very good armor for stamina combinations. “6” is not always considered competitive by a part of the western Beyblade community, but it is used in many tournaments in Japan.
The round and smooth Cyclone Blade is decent against opposite-spin combinations, and remains a very good stamina Blade despite its smaller size. However, Blades such as Dynamite + F Gear, or Wind are usually preferred when playing in a competitive environment.
Final Thoughts on Cyclone Ragnaruk
From a competitive point of view, since Giga and “6” can be found with many other models, Cyclone Ragnaruk Giga Never-6 is not necessarily a must-have. However, the combination being easy to use and control, and also including Giga and “6” , it remains a very good choice for players new to Beyblade.
While not competitive (except for Giga and 6 ), none of the components used in this combination are really poor. Furthermore, the smooth Cyclone Blade can have decent results in same-spin and opposite-spin battles.
Therefore, Cyclone Ragnaruk is a very good addition in any Beyblade Burst collection.
Below you’ll find the list of all the components from this product with a link to their detailed description.
List of Beyblade Burst Components