WEIGHT : Approx. 65,4 g
RELEASE DATE : May 28th, 2022

Avoid counterfeits ! The authentic Dynamite Kerbeus Legacy Moment-9 by Takara Tomy is on Beyblade Toys
Description of Dynamite Kerbeus Legacy Moment-9
Dynamite Kerbeus Legacy Moment-9 is a right-spin defense type combination, released with the B-198 Random Booster Vol. 29 as part of the Burst Ultimate system on May 28th, 2022.
Intended to work as a defense type combination because of the use of the Moment Performance Tip, this Beyblade real purpose is to give players access to new or relatively rare components.
This stock combination behaves like a defense type Beyblade, moving in circles when launched hard.
Blade : Dynamite
Advertised as an attack type Blade, Dynamite is one of the strongest stamina Blades of the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems when combined to the F Gear.
See the complete article on the Dynamite Blade here.

DB Core : Kerbeus
Kerbeus is a great right-spin DB Core, featuring high burst resistance thanks to its “Rubber Lock” gimmick.
See the complete article on the Kerbeus DB Core here.

Forge Disc : Legacy
Legacy is a Forge Disc featuring an aggressive shape, whose design decreases LAD (Life After Death). Due to its shape and design, this disc can only work in attack type combinations.
See the complete article on Legacy here.

Performance Tip : Moment
Moment is a defense type Performance Tip, featuring a ball-shaped tip surrounded by a free-spinning bell-shaped plastic ring. The plastic ring can spin freely and tilt at an angle. This driver has high stamina potential, and this specific copy, found in the B-198 Random Booster Vol. 29, is one of the best available.
See the complete article on Moment here.

Armor : 9
The “9” Armor is a top tier competitive armor that works best when used in attack type combinations featuring a three-sided Blade.
See the complete article on the “9” Armor here.

How to improve Dynamite Kerbeus Legacy Moment-9
Friendly Use
In a non-competitive environment, upgrading this stock combination is possible but it highly depends on what components players have at their disposal. The combo does not make a lot of sense, featuring an attack Blade that in reality works best as a stamina Blade, attack oriented Forge Disc and Armor, and a defense type Performance Tip.
If a player does not have too many components at his disposal, then turning this combo in a stamina combination can be a good idea. F Gear needs to be assembled to the Dynamite Blade, then replacing Legacy with Over or Giga will help increase the stamina potential. If possible, replacing the “9” armor with “0“, “10“, or “6” will help balancing the combination. For example, the combo could be something like Dynamite + F Gear Kerbeus Over Moment-10.
Another option is to take advantage of Kerbeus high burst-resistance and turn the combination in an attack type. Replacing Dynamite with Savior and then Moment with a good attack type Performance Tip such as Xtreme’ or Destroy’ will result in a pretty good attack combination. The combo could be something like Savior Kerbeus Legacy Xtreme’-9
Competitive Use
This Beyblade features several components that can find use in a competitive environment : the “9” armor, the Dynamite Blade and the Kerbeus DB Core.
“9” is a top tier armor designed to be used in attack type combinations featuring a three-sided Blade (with three main contact points). Kerbeus can also be used in attack type combinations, and it may be used in right-spin stamina combos to mitigate burst resistance issues.
The Dynamite Blade combined with the F Gear and Wind are the best right-spin stamina Blades in the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems.
Final Thoughts on Dynamite Kerbeus
Dynamite Kerbeus Legacy Moment-9 is a hybrid Beyblade, featuring components of various types.
However, this model comes with three top tier competitive parts and a great Performance Tip, making it a must have for competitive and non competitive players alike.
Below you’ll find the list of all the components from this product with a link to their detailed description.
List of Beyblade Components