WEIGHT : Approx. 74,9 g
RELEASE DATE : July 17th, 2021
Hasbro Version : Salvage Valtryek V7 Sq-Q Shot-Q+Shot-7

Description of Savior Valkyrie Shot-7
Savior Valkyrie Shot-7 is a right-spin attack combination, released as a Starter as part of the Dynamite Battle system on July 17th, 2021. The launcher that comes with this starter is the Power Custom BeyLauncher LR, an improved version of the Custom Beylauncher LR.
Savior Valkyrie features two gimmicks : Bound attacks and jumping attacks. The “bound attack” is a spring attack executed by the Layer : a built-in spring mechanism makes the whole layer bounce when struck by an opponent.
When receiving a hit, there is a chance that the Layer will be pushed back, activating the springs. The spring mechanism will propel the layer back in its original place, thus making the layer “bounce” and repel the opponent in the process.
The second gimmick is the “jumping attacks”, but it’s not quite how it works in reality. The Shot driver is intended to create “vertical attacks” during the latter half of the battle. First of all, the gimmick needs decent launch power to be triggered, but it is not impossible at all for children (using the Power Launcher included in this starter will help a lot).
When the gimmick is activated, the combination will make a few rebounds, not “jumps”. Furthermore, most part of the time, it will not rebound high enough to create vertical attacks.
In practice, Shot‘s gimmick will make the whole combination accelerate and typically move in wide circles, kissing the tornado ridge, or bouncing off the walls if the combo is launched too hard. This gimmick can be reminiscent of Reboot or Ultimate Reboot, with added rebounds, but it is is way too unpredictable to be effective.
Usually the gimmick will trigger at launch, or shortly after, making the combination go in an unpredictable and chaotic tornado stall. The gimmick can nonetheless initiate strong attacks if it activates later in battle. If Shot’s gimmick isn’t triggered, then the combination will have very limited movement, poor stamina, high scraping risk, and very limited attack potential.
How to improve Savior Valkyrie
Friendly Use
For players willing to keep Savior Valkyrie Layer untouched and improve its performances in a non-competitive environment, the priority will be to use another Performance Tip. If Shot and its built-in disc are removed, then a new Forge Disc is needed. Players can go for Giga, Tapered or Illegal, heavy and versatile Forged Discs with great OWD (Outward Weight Distribution).
Next is the driver : if available, then Reboot’ or Ultimate Reboot’ can be used to preserve Savior Valkyrie’s identity. The alternative is to slightly move away from Valkyrie’s typical behavior, with Performance Tips such asXtreme’, Destroy’ or Xceed’.
Finally, the Armor can be upgraded to create synergy with the three-sided Savior blade : “7” can be replaced with “9“. “3” is another good option for players who don’t have access to “9“.
Note : if bursts become too frustrating, then players can remove the Valkyrie DB Core and replace it with Valkyrie 2 from Ultimate Valkyrie Legacy Variable’-9. It will preserve the Valkyrie theme and increase burst resistance.
Competitive Use
The Savior blade can be used in a competitive environment. Savior can be a good choice in right-spin attack combination, but it can also be useful in stamina combinations, depending on the opponent.
In attack combinations, players may want to look for DB cores with good burst resistance, like Kerbeus for example, because of its burst resistant rubber slopes. Then, players can use the components mentioned earlier : the 9 or 3 Armors, Forge Discs such as Giga, Over, Tapered, Illegal, or Nexus + S Gear (fixed mode), and drivers such as Xtreme’, Quick’ or Destroy’. An example of competitive attack combo could be : Savior Kerbeus Giga Xtreme’-9.
Final Thoughts on Savior Valkyrie
Savior Valkyrie Shot-7 is not a strong stock combination, but it can be fun, especially in a large stadium like the DB Standard arena. It’s also worth noting that this model comes with a very good LR string launcher (a Power Custom BeyLauncher LR with Valkyrie’s colors) and the very useful V Gear.
Furthermore, The Savior Blade is one of the best right-spin attack blades in the Dynamite Battle and Burst Ultimate systems.
Therefore, Savior Valkyrie Shot-7 is a great addition in any player’s collection .
Note : Players who purchase this model (B-187 starter) have a small chance to get Rashad’s Savior Valkyrie, recolored in red, just like in the anime.
Below you’ll find the list of all the components from this product with a link to their detailed description.
List of Beyblade Burst Components